Monday, October 20, 2008


Fall has come so quickly that it is hard to believe that it is actually here, and almost gone. Last weekend when I was on the bike trail, the colors were at their peak, they were absolutely gorgeous. It was so much fun to be able to enjoy the beautiful weather.
This past week, my roommate added an addition to our home, a puppy. I was able to go with her to get the puppy. She is a very sweet puppy by the name of Cuddles, which is appropriate though she has so much energy, it sometimes seems to calm a name. I have a cat at home as well. He is 1 year old and my sweetheart. He is big, he weighs about 15 lbs. The puppy is 4 mo. and weighs almost 5 lbs. Needless to say, my cat is bigger than the dog. At first, the cat was wary of the puppy-not aggressive just followed her around everywhere. The puppy followed us around, and the cat followed the puppy. The puppy and cat have since then become better aquainted and love to play/fight with each other. I am glad that we have the puppy since I think my cat was in need of a playmate.
Yesterday, Jes and her sisters, brother and mom raked the leaves in our yard into a big pile. My other roommate's brothers came up and we all had fun jumping in and over the pile. afterwards we had pie and ice cream, played Uno attack and started a movie, we had lots of fun:)
Today is my brothers birthday, so after I sleep, we are planning on going out for Chinese then going to a movie.

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